Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Reika Noro

Full Name:Reika Noro
Sponsors:ROXY,ratio fin,SMAC,peace wave and MARLON BRANDO
Homebreak:Ikumi beach
School:Home school
Words to Live by:Try your best and smiles will grow

Favorite surfer:Julian Wilson,Conner Coffin

What band and song would be your part in a surf movie:Kanye West

Celebrity crush:-------


Influences:Kaori Mayaguchi

Music:Justin Bieber!!!♥

Your crew:AH,MK,RN

Pre-heat superstitions:listening music,and watching video

Favorite Food:Taco!!

Biggest fear:Shark and ghost

Best day of your life:when i win the contest!

Worst day:FLAT.......

If you didn’t surf what would you do:dancing!

What would you do with $100?:go shopping lol

If you could only surf one wave for the rest of your life, what would it be:Long riding

Worst wave you’ve ever surfed:flat...

Dream sponsor:red bull and VANS

Biggest mistake you ever made:I couldn't win the last important contest...

Last song you want to hear before you paddle:Baby

If they made a movie of your life, which actor would play you?Hero of blue crash

Would you rather have the best video part, or be on the World Tour? Why? Both!Life is too short so I want to do many things.

Who is your hero?Lisa Andersen

When I’m not surfing:Shopping dayyy!!!

Funniest thing you’ve ever seen:I don't remember!

Worst wipeout of your life:At Kaifu.When I did wipeout,there was no bikini on my body.omg

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