Thursday, December 2, 2010

Kevin Schulz

Full Name: Kevin Schulz
Nickname: Schulzie
Age: 15
Sponsors: Rusty, Skull Candy, Kustom Footwear, Xcel Wetsuits, On A Mission, Republik of Kalifornia. 
Hometown: San Clemente
Homebreak: Tstreet or Riviera
School: San Clemente High
Words to Live by: Stay Stoked!

Favorite surfer: Probably Dane Reynolds

What band and song would be your part in a surf movie: Here is the News by ELO

Celebrity crush: none

Goals: make the 'CT someday

Influences: all the super good up and comers from san clemente and the pros

Music: rock and some other random stuff

Your crew: I have a big crew. too many to name them all.

Pre-heat superstitions: none really. Just always gotta put wax on my board before paddling out. 

Favorite Food: Pizza

Biggest fear: Getting shot

Best day of your life: had too many of them

Worst day: everyday with bad waves.

If you didn’t surf what would you do: have a mental breakdown

What would you do with $100? buy 100 bars of wax

If you could only surf one wave for the rest of your life, what would it be: lowers

Worst wave you’ve ever surfed: pismo beach pier

Dream sponsor: In'n'Out

Biggest mistake you ever made: Im not sure about that one

Last song you want to hear before you paddle out: a super gnarly one that gets you all pumped up. 

If they made a movie of your life, which actor would play you?: Jim Carrey

Would you rather have the best video part, or be on the World Tour? Why? World Tour. 

Who is your hero? My Pops

When I’m not surfing: Im on Facebook or eating

Funniest thing you’ve ever seen: that video where the monkey sniffs his finger and faints out of the tree

Worst wipeout of your life: at DMJ's this one day 

Facebook or Xbox: Facebook

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