Sunday, December 12, 2010

Keetin Devine

Full Name:Keetin fredrick devine
Sponsors:kunny surf boards, rockin fig surf shop, mom and dad
Hometown:huntington beach
Homebreak:its a secret
Words to Live by:dont let society control you 

Favorite surfer:dane reynolds and Andy irons (R.I.P)

What band and song would be your part in a surf movie:

Celebrity crush:Selena Gomez

Goals:have fun

Influences:Family and Friends

Music:everything that gets me amped

Your crew:chad, ryan, bret, jason, sean etc but no shaw hahahha jk

Pre-heat superstitions:must put wax on feet and rub some sand over my board 

Favorite Food:mexican son

Biggest fear:Dying

Best day of your life:to many to count everyday is my best day in its own way

Worst day: a day i cant surf

If you didn’t surf what would you do:i would be a `construction worker

What would you do with $100?i would take my family to a nicer dinner

If you could only surf one wave for the rest of your life, what would it be: santa ana river jetties

Worst wave you’ve ever surfed:huntington beach pier

Dream sponsor: anyone hahaha

Biggest mistake you ever made:i dont have one big mistakes just lil ones

Last song you want to hear before you paddle out:eminem lose your self

If they made a movie of your life, which actor would play you? micheal Cera

Would you rather have the best video part, or be on the World Tour? Why?i would rather have a world titler cuz then a video usually follows it now a days 

Who is your hero?My mom and dad cuz they always believe in me

When I’m not surfing:skating, bowling, pingpong or on the most addiciting thing ever Facebook.

Funniest thing you’ve ever seen: jackass 3D

Worst wipeout of your life:fell at puerto escondido and smacked my head on the sand bar got a nice scrap across the head and sore neck

Facebook or Xbox: Xbox cuz i can still go on facebook from it somehow hahaha

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