Friday, December 17, 2010

Jack Umbel

Full name: Jack Umbel
Nick name: ducky
home town: Melbourne beach florida
homebreak: sebastian inlet
school: im home schooled
words to live by: not shure hahaha

favorite surfer: i like em all my fav is kelly

what band or song would u play in a surf movie: change shapes by animal and fancy footwork haha

celeb crush : taylor swift 

goals: make world tour

influences: watching kids my age surf really good!!!!!

music: everything but rap because i cant understand it

your crew: all the kids that i surf with in cali and in florida and jasset

pre heat superstitions: wax combing my board!!

bigest fear: sharks

best day of my life: surfing at lowers one day and in puerto rico on a sick dayyy

worst day: everydays a good one except when u surf really bad

if i didnt surf what would u do: i would have to surf i couldent not that would just be sad

what would u do with 100 dollers: save it for somthing good

if u could surf one wave the rest of your life what would it be: LOWERS with no crowd

worst wave you have ever surfed: huntington beach

dream sponsor: apple

biggest mistake you've ever made: why would i tell 

last song u would want to hear before you paddle out: to hard to choose one!!

if they made a movie of your life what actor would play you: i dont really watch tv or movies that much so not shure

would you rather have the best video part or be on the world tour: be on the world tour

who is your hero: kelly slater because he is from florida

when im not surfing: eating , facebook, and trying to fine somthing to do

funnyest thing you've ever seen: alot of stuff that ive seen is funny!!!

worst wipeout: i have had alot

facebook or xbox: facebook

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