Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Gulo Simon

Full Name: Giuliano Salvador simon
vallenar chile / san clemente
Punta teatinos / lowers
Graduate of SCHS 2010
Words to Live by:
learn by experience
Favorite surfer:
dane reynolds
What band and song would be your part in a surf movie:
girls on the dance floor-far east movement ahahahah. with good editing 
Celebrity crush:
of course megan fox

Goals: to be happy in life

Influences: dad, Slater, Kolohe

Music: punk and rap
Your  crew:
Dylan Stratton, Shaw Kobayashi, T.j Chavez
Pre-heat superstitions:
dont eat until after the heat so i feel comfortable.
Favorite Food:
breakfast burrito from On The Grill
Biggest fear:
hitting the bottom
Best day of your life:
uncrowded PERFECT lowers on a building sw swell, with a backpack full of food..... no work and then hanging with the chicks

 Worst day:
the day i realized that nothing is forever
If you didn’t surf what would you do:
if i didnt surf i would definitely be a skater
What would you do with $100?
$100? im 18 so a strip club would be fun hahaha
If you could only surf one wave for the rest of your life, what would it be:  
If I could surf one wave for the rest of my life it would definitely be lowers

Worst wave you’ve ever surfed:
Huntington pier during states 2010
Dream sponsor:
reef, just for the girls haha
Biggest mistake you ever made:
the biggest mistake ive ever made was breaking my first i - pod... best songs ever
Last song you want to hear before you paddle out:
sound system- operation ivy
If they made a movie of your life, which actor would play you?
Will Farrell would definitely play my part 
Would you rather have the best video part, or be on the World Tour? Why?
i would rather have the best video part because i love free surfing and its more individual.
Who is your hero?
My hero is A.I.
When I’m not surfing: I'm Skating or Facebooking
Funniest  thing  you’ve ever seen:
One of the funniest things I have ever seen was when me and all my friends were in costa rica and we had a personal sushi chef come to our hotel and make sushi for us. well i was just messing around and typed in ' the sushi sucked Mr. Myagi ' on shaws i-pod which was plugged into a speaker so it said it out loud while rudy (the chef) was still in the hotel...and me dylan tj and ian started craking up while shaw and masato knew it was disrespectful... but it was too hard not to laugh.
Worst wipeout of your life: the worst wipe out of my life was a big swell at north gate i charged a pretty big set but took off way to late and i dove off my board and did a belly flop while the lip carried my board into my back.

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